Monday, October 06, 2008

Top Ten: Barack vs Windows Vista

1) Vista has user access control. Obama has reporter access control and truth squads.

2) Vista has blue screen of death. Obama's teleprompter has the same problem.

3) Vista has the Evil that is Bill Gates. Obama has Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Bernadine Dohrn, and Michelle Obama.

4) If Vista dies you can go to an older version called XP. If Obama dies we get an older version called Joe Biden.

5) Vista was created by a huge group of greedy corporate suits. Obama was created by a huge group of greedy politicians.

6) Vista has a very friendly appearance with no substance to back it up. Obama has a very friendly appearance with no substance to back it up.

7) Vista has many versions for different users. Obama has many versions for different voting blocks.

8) Vista was billed as being a positive change for users yet made many users wish they'd never changed. Obama is billed as being a positive change yet will make many taxpayers wish they've never voted for him.

9) Vista's source code is proprietary and thus unavailable to the public. Obama's early political history is covered up and thus unavailable to the public.

10) Vista is a top-heavy, resource-hogging, slow-responding, pain in the ass. Obama is.....well, maybe Microsoft should have called Vista Barack instead.


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